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Reverend Mr. R. Christoph Sandoval, Deacon
The Reverend Mister R. Christoph Sandoval is a Roman Catholic Deacon and the Coordinator and the Director of Training for the Saint...

Reverend Mr. R. Christoph Sandoval, Deacon is a pioneer in breaking down the walls between Spiritual Care, Mental Care and Physical Care...

Training & Technical Assistance for Parishes and Catholic Institutions
I can help you to build and enrich your diverse parish, school or Catholic organization by offering training and technical assistance...

A Call to Oneness: Teambuilding for Catholic Communities
One Church, Many Cultures: Learn to navigate and work with diverse cultures of national origin, ethnicity, race, gender, age, language,...

Recognition and Accolades
Deacon of the Year 2018, Archdiocese of San Francisco Saint Francis of Assisi Award, San Francisco 2016 Westside Community Services...

Deacon Christoph Sandoval was born in East Los Angeles. His grandmother's family immigrated to Los Angeles to escape the religious...
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