Recognition and Accolades
Deacon of the Year 2018, Archdiocese of San Francisco
Saint Francis of Assisi Award, San Francisco 2016
Westside Community Services Distinguished Employee Leadership And Team Achievement (Delta) Award 2013
Commendation for Outstanding Contributions and Accomplishments in the Fight Against HIV/AIDS from California Governor Pete Wilson in 1991 and Governor Gray Davis, 2002
Recognition from the Mayor and City Council of the City of Sacramento, 2002
Who’s Who Among Hispanic Americans
First recipient of the Correctional HIV Consortium German V. Maisonet, Jr. MD Memorial Award, 1997
Honored by the City and County of San Francisco with Official Proclamation of “Chris Sandoval Day” as acknowledgement of public service, 1991
Award in Public Health for Lifetime Achievement presented by Community United in Response to AIDS/SIDA
Declarations, Commendations, and Legislative Ordinances recognizing A Call to Oneness, A Conference on Compassion and HIV Disease (the first statewide interfaith gathering of religious leaders, AIDS ministry and education practitioners) by the Governor of California, the California State Legislature, Office of the Mayor of San Francisco, San Francisco County Board of Supervisors, United States Senator Boxer, etc., 1999
National Community Volunteer Award, 4th Annual Founder Dinner, August 1997, with special recognition from California State Assemblywoman Carole Migden
United Way of the Bay Area Volunteer of the Year, 1995
Award in Public Health for Lifetime Achievement presented by Community United in Response to AIDS/SIDA
Shanti Project Honors for Outstanding Service as a Volunteer, Board Member and Assistant Director
San Francisco Board of Supervisors Resolution of Commendation in Recognition citing Chris Sandoval as a Pioneer in the fight against AIDS.