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Training & Technical Assistance for Parishes and Catholic Institutions

I can help you to build and enrich your diverse parish, school or Catholic organization by offering training and technical assistance to...

+ Help Catholic clergy and parishioners "Care for the Sick and the Dying";

+ Understand "Spiritual Warfare and Remaining in the State of Grace";

+ Revisit Baptism: A guided conversation on what it means to be Sons and Daughters of the Living God;

+ One Church, Many Cultures: Learn to navigate and work with diverse cultures of national origin, ethnicity, race, gender, age, language, physical abilities & qualities with Catholic centered teaching and life experience;

+ Offer you a Catholic understanding of Angelology and Demonology;

+ Freemasonry: the Illuminati;

+ Santa Maria de Guadalupe: A deeper understanding of what exactly brought our Lady of Guadalupe to our rescue;

+ Lecture Series on Cults: American Cults, Asian Pacific Islander Cults, Latino/Hispanic Cults and African Cults;

+ Processing issues of Anticipatory Grief, Bereavement and Traumatic Loss for Parish Communities, Veterans and Catholic lay organizations.

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