A Call to Oneness: Teambuilding for Catholic Communities

One Church, Many Cultures: Learn to navigate and work with diverse cultures of national origin, ethnicity, race, gender, age, language, physical abilities & qualities with Catholic centered teaching and life experience.
Evangelization does not give us license to Europeanize cultures by violating God’s unique cultural design for the nations of the world. We must learn to navigate Diverse Cultures in our Age of Globalization in the Universal Church. Perhaps the greatest spiritual understanding of God's work of creation is that we are designed to be "universally unique and uniquely universal."
The Jerry Springer School of Diversity which has dominated the landscape creates chaos, rage and resentment. Christ and his Holy Apostles and 72 disciples navigated the countless Pagan Cultures and ethnic populations during their evangelization of the world. Their best practices inform my Catholic approach in responding to the Universal Call to Oneness inherent in the teachings of our faith. Christ challenge to his disciples to proclaim the Gospel to all the nations is still before every generation until the end of time. As committed Roman Catholic trainer, mentor and lecturer I can help you and your community:
① Explore Ways of thinking and feeling about cultural similarities and differences among individuals, cultural groups of emphasis and communities. Learn to navigate and communicate to culturally diverse audiences, work teams and stakeholders.
② Build organizational and professional cultural navigation capabilities that make it possible for individuals and faith based leaders and volunteers to establish trust, foster relationship and honor the cultural centers of peoples’ lived experience while maximizing optimum outcomes and effective service to diverse individuals and populations.
③ Intensify ongoing commitment to increase one’s pluralistic potential to navigate the world-views and life experiences of diverse communities within our Catholic institutions by following in the footsteps of Christ and his disciples.